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Slit Lamp


The Topcon SL-D301 is a classic and economical slit lamp especially designed with the optometry clinic in mind.


Key features

  • Three magnifications; 10x, 16x & 25x
  • Blue filter, red-free filter, ND filter, UV cut filter & IR cut filter
  • Halogen illumination
  • Topcon DC-4 digital camera compatible

The SL-D301 is a stereoscopic converging biomicroscope with excellent optics of the Galilean type, which produces a sharp and clear view. The halogen illumination and 9 mm field of view in combination with 3 magnification selections (10x, 16x & 25x) assist you in a wide range of screening applications.

The SL-D301 is compatible with the optional Topcon DC-4 digital camera which offers high resolution still imaging, video capabilities with auto exposure and smart capture function.

Related Products

  • DC-4


    The DC-4 is a digital camera for capturing still images or videos, with a digital slit lamp for detailed analysis and diagnosis

    See details

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