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Instrument Table

ATE-700 / ATE PC

The ATE-700 is a wheelchair accessible due to two separate elevation support columns

ATE-700 / ATE PC

Key features

  • Large stroke of 300mm
  • White table top with wooden edge finishing
  • MDD certified
  • Wheelchair accessible
  • Digital control panel
  • Small footprint

This table is suitable to accommodate one or two instruments.

The ATE-700 PC version is especially designed to accommodate instruments which needs PC support. The extended table top of the ATE-700 PC version supports storage for a high end tower PC.

The table top is available in white with a wooden edge finishing.

The elevation stroke is 300 mm, and controlled by an easy accessible control panel, which can be programmed to memorize three predefined table heights. For safety reason the ATE-700 (PC) is equipped with a safety stopper.

The ATE-700 (PC) is most suitable to accommodate Topcon’s slit lamp range.

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