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Notice of Changes of President and CEO (Replacement of President)

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Topcon Corporation (TSE: 7732) hereby announces that the change of President and CEO was resolved at a meeting of the board of directors. The appointments will take effect on April 1, 2023.

Change of President and CEO(effective April 1, 2023)

Name New Position Current Position
Satoshi Hirano Representative Director,
Representative Director,
President & CEO
Takashi Eto Representative Director,
President & CEO
Representative Director,
Executive Vice President
General Manager, Quality Assurance Div.

Topcon Corporation, the parent company of all Topcon Healthcare companies, announced changes in their president and CEO position that will be effective with the new fiscal year. Takashi Eto will assume the position of Representative Director, President and CEO, effective April 1, 2023. Current Topcon Corporation President and CEO Satoshi Hirano has served in the role since 2013 and will continue to contribute to the development of Topcon group as Chairman of the Board, assisting and advising the new president Takashi Eto. 

Read the news on the Topcon Corporation Website.

Takashi Eto
Takashi Eto

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